Above: Naval & Military Gazette and Weekly Chronicle of the United Service 05 October 1833 Source: findmypast.co.uk

Above: Bell's Weekly Messenger 03 June 1833Source: findmypast.co.uk

Above: Royal Cornwall Gazette 08 June 1833 Source: findmypast.co.uk

Chiloé Island Tourist and Travel Guide


HMS Beagle, Darwin's Ship 1831/6 by Woodie 


Above: map of Pylades journey from 4 Jan - 22 Mar 1834 when he reached finished mooring in Rio de Janeiro Harbour.  The positions are based on Edward’s captain’s log entries.  Map = i.ebayimg.com

Location of Islay (detail of South America map from Chambers 1860 encyclopaedia.  Author’s collection).

Above: map of Pylades journey from 29 Sep 1833 - 3 Jan 1834 when he reached the Juan Fernández Islands.  The positions are based on Edward’s captain’s log entries.  Map = i.ebayimg.com

Above: Henry Keppel, A Sailor’s Life under Four Sovereigns (1899) p. 123 – Google book

Above: Morning Advertiser 26 March 1832. Source: findmypast.co.uk

Above: Lloyd's List 04 May 1832. Source: findmypast.co.uk

Edward is senior officer on north coast of Brazil

Above George Matcham portrait at Newhouse, Wiltshire

Above Early 19th Century South American School. "A Storm in the River Plate off Valparaiso c.1840", Oil on Canvas, Signed with Initials 'J.F.W.' www.invaluable.com

Above: image from 2016 Season Cape Horn to Cape Town www.classic-sailing.co.uk

Above: detail of South America map from Chambers 1860 encyclopaedia.  Author’s collection.

Above: Old Church, Castro, Chiloe 

Source: Wikicommons

Homemade chicha de manzana (apple cider) is common in Chiloé and Islas Desertores www.siljemartine.com

Above: detail of South America map from Chambers 1860 encyclopaedia.  Author’s collection.

Above: detail of South America map from Chambers 1860 encyclopaedia.  Author’s collection.

Above: detail of 1818 Pinkerton map of Peru.  Wikicommons

Chile's Chinchorro Mummies


Robert McCormick by Stephen Pearce Wikipedia

Above: location of Coquimbo: Wikipedia

The Voyage of Pylades

C. Saturday 21 May 1831

HMS Pylades is recommissioned by Edward at Plymouth (right)

1 Jan 1832

Edward on Pylades was present at Rio, Brazil (left)

C. 1832

Edward and Harriet’s third child, Horatio Charles Nelson Blanckley is born in Versailles (right).

It seems Harriet stayed with the Blanckleys in Versailles while Edward was away at sea

17 Jan 1832

Pylades is reported as having been in Rio de Janeiro on January 17th by a ship arriving in Falmouth on 18th March (left).

1 Mar 1832

Bahia: Pylades, having arrived from Rio de Janeiro and sailed for Pernambuco.  Beagle had arrived from Plymouth (left).

Apr 1832

Edward as senior officer on the north coast of Brazil is publicly thanked by the British merchants as Pernambuco for his active protection during a massacre:

In April, 1832, being then senior officer on the north coast of Brazil, he was publicly thanked by the British merchants at Pernambuco, " for the active protection he afforded to them and their property during the revolt and massacre," which had recently occurred in that city.


23 Apr 1832 

Edward Blanckley sent a dispatch from Pernambuco saying the British residents had behaved admirably during the insurrection (right).


eBay sale record of a letter from Paris to Capt. Edward Blanckley at Raleigh House, Plymouth:

Interesting Pre stamp letter from Paris with an account posted to Capt Edward Blanckley, Raleigh House, Union Road, Plymouth, England, charged "2/5"d, "10"c with LONDON Foreign Office datestamp to reverse. 


This record shows Edward and Harriet had taken the Raleigh House, Plymouth address prior to Pylades’s tour


 Edward attended a slatingly reviewed theatrical production of Antony and Cleopatra in Buenos Aires

Source: British Packet and Argentine News, 1833, page 3

3 Feb 1833

 Edward’s father in law George Matcham (left) dies in Kensington, London aged 79

17 Mar 1833

 Both Pylades and Beagle were in the River Plate with Pylades ‘expected hourly in Rio’ (right)

27 Mar 1833

Edward Blanckley on Pylades is in the River Plate protecting British interests (right)

Río de la Plata: the estuary formed by the confluence of the Uruguay and the Paraná rivers. It forms part of the border between Argentina and Uruguay, with the major ports and capital cities of Buenos Aires and Montevideo on its western and northern shores, respectively.

24 May 1833

Midshipman Hammond transfers to Pylades from Beagle, where he had been friends with Charles Darwin, as he wished to leave to Navy.  Charles Darwin writes the following journal entry:

The Beagle returned from M. Video. — MrHammond is discharged into the Pylades & ultimately intends leaving the service.

Source: Charles Darwin’s diaries

3 Jun 1833

Edward Blanckley on Pylades is in Montevideo (left)

8 Jun 1833

Edward Blanckley on Pylades is in Montevideo (left)

11 Jul 1833

Edward Blanckley on Pylades is at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil bound for Pacific (left).  

A letter published in The Morning Post on 9th September 1833 (right) states that Pylades arrived in Rio from the River Plate on 7th July, and was due to sail around Cape Horn in a few days.

Above: map of Pylades journey from 17 Jul - 15 Sep 1833 when he reached the port of San Carlos, Chiloé.  The positions are based on Edward’s captain’s log entries.  Map = i.ebayimg.com

15 - 25 Sep 1833

Pylades explores the Island of Chiloé and Edward writes a detailed report which is published in The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society the following year.  Excerpts from this report are (with link to full report below):

It will perhaps be proper, however, to mention here, that money is not current in the island, but that necessaries are obtained by barter ; the principal articles of which are indigo, tea, salt, and a mild sort of Cayenne pepper. Indigo is the chief object, as it is used for dyeing their cloths for making the South American cloaks, called ponchos, which are merely squares of cloth with a slit in the middle to admit the head, and thus allow the cloak to rest on the shoulders. They are made to perfection, and sent to all parts of the continent, from the island of Lemuy ; they are generally manufactured from wool, and almost every cottage has its loom. The sheep am bred and kept solely for the sake of their coats, and nothing could induce the inhabitants to part with these animals or their lambs. It is needless to add that they never eat them. 

The harbours and coast in general abound with all sorts of fish, and among others the finest oysters and other shell-fish. These constitute, indeed, the chief food of the lower orders, and are taken in a manner which I shall here mention, as it is a proof of their great abundance. At low-water mark the natives dig out a narrow trench in the sand with a circular basin at its extremity on the land side. This they stake neatly all round with twigs laid close together, and as soon as the sea reaches its height and is about to recede, stakes are driven in the sand at the only part left open of the circle, which when left dry ie found full of line fish. I witnessed this operation about a mile from the town on the beach, and it produced as much fish as three men could carry away in baskets, the whole the produce of one tide. Tobacco is in great request, but as it is a monopoly of government, its price is too high for all classes to purchase, consequently on our arrival a few leaves of this plant were invaluable. Money when offered was rejected, from its value not being known ; but for a pound of tobacco I actually purchased twelve fowls, three bags of potatoes, four dozen eggs, and half a boat load of oysters. Candles also were in great request. I had by me a private letter of credit; and as there were several respectable shopkeepers at St. Carlos, among whom wee an Englishman, I was anxious to get a bill cashed upon Valparaiso for about 400 dollars, to enable me to purchase a few refreshments for the ship's company. which their good conduct during the severe cold and tempestuous weather we had previously experienced merited ; but although the governor gave orders that all the dollars in the town should be collected for me, at a great loss mid under his responsibility, we could not muster above 220. I therefore allowed each man to take up a pound of tobacco ; and in a few hours every one was eating his poultry, vegetables, and the finest fruit; and as scurvy was, I feared, beginning to allow itself, I had reason to rejoice at seeing our men enjoying themselves with all the dainties they could desire. 

…The soil is rich, though more mattered ; it consists of dark mould and fine loam upon chalk: fruit-trees flourish astonishingly ; and I never saw finer peas, beans, cabbages, or cauliflowers. The principal beverage is cider made from good apples, and when bottled and kept a short time, it is so strong, that a stranger must be careful how he indulges in it. It is like champagne, but stronger, and of a very fattening quality. I was informed that the healthy appearance of the natives was attributed both to the climate and the cider. Spirits are not known to the lower orders, and seldom can be purchased. Wine is never seen, and the government has placed so high a duty on it that it cannot be purchased, by which means the morals of the people are preserved. They are in general shrewd, clever, and most courteous to strangers. 

…The inhabitants are very cheerful, and appear the happiest race I ever beheld. Their amusements, high and low, consist in dancing to a guitar, always accompanied by the voice ; and, with chicha and cider from apples, they will dance for ever.   The females, almost without exception, sing well ; their figures also are good, and, accustomed to dance from their infancy, they would not discredit the best European ball-room.  All are passionately attached to music ; and it was pleasing to hear some of Rossini's best operas sung to pianos, of which there were several in St. Carlos, and well performed, both vocally and instrumentally. 

We experienced the greatest possible attention from all classes, and each seemed to vie with the other in marking the friendly feeling they bore towarda us and our nation. The Governor's politeness and attention I can never cease to remember ; as also the politeness of the chief secretary, Sr. Ferulas, who is a very intelligent person, speaking various languages. - He was formerly secretary to the present King of Sweden, but was obliged to fly his country from political causes. He is, in fact, considered the governor of the island, as the actual governor is a native of St. Carlos, and was never absent from the island. We parted with all our good friends with much regret. 

The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society ..., Volume 4 Google e-book

26 - 28 Sep 1833

Pylades is at sea off the coast of Chile

29 Sep - 15 Oct

 At anchor in Valparaiso Bay


Source: Edward Blanckley journal as Commander of HMS Pylades, National Museum of the Royal Navy, reference: NRA 44344

15 Oct 1833

Pylades left Valparaiso for Lima, Peru via Arica, a port on the present day Chilean border with Peru (right).

16 Oct 1833

Pylades is at sea off the coast of Chile

22 - 25 Oct

Cobija (Bolivia)

Bolivia at this time had a coastal region and Peru extended further south (see 1860 map left).  These regions were lost to Chile after Bolivia and Peru lost to Chile in the War of the Pacific 1879 - ’83

26 - 28 Oct

 At sea 

Coast of Peru


29 Oct 6 Nov

 Arica (Peru)

Source: Edward Blanckley journal as Commander of HMS Pylades, National Museum of the Royal Navy, reference: NRA 44344

C. Nov 1833

Edward personally excavated the remains of two mummified children in Peru, which he later donated to the Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society.

Annals of natural history; or, Magazine of zoology, botany and geology, Volume 10, Taylor & Francis, 1842Google e-book and here

Of the exact locality whence they were procured I am at present unable to furnish information ; but on presenting them, Capt. Blanckley stated to me in converation, that he exhumed them himself from an elevated tract of land in the mountainous district of Peru, but at a considerable distance from the lake Titicaca. He also informed me that such remains were very abundant there, that they were found very near the surface, the light sandy soil having been removed by the wind, so as to expose many of them (a circumstance which led to their discovery), and that each was observed to have an upright posture in the soil, and to have under it a piece of matting. Each mummy (for so, in order to avoid a confusion of terms, I will continue to call them) presented the appearance of a rudely shaped oval bundle, secured by numerous lashings of a coarse rope, made of a kind of flag or mill, passed two or three times round the neck, and then in a variety of directions over the trunk, and knotted together et each intersection so as to form a network with broad interspaces ; every part but the head being thus firmly compressed.

7 Nov

 At sea 

Coast of Peru

8 Nov - 15 Dec

Islay (Peru) at anchor

Source: Edward Blanckley journal as Commander of HMS Pylades, National Museum of the Royal Navy, reference: NRA 44344

7 Dec 1833

Charles Darwin on Beagle at Montevideo (on the Atlantic coast) writes:

7th [Dec 1833, Monte Video …] Mr Kent from the Pylades has joined us as surgeon.

Source: Charles Darwin’s diaries

Pylades was, as we know, anchored at Islay on the Pacific coast and had not been in the vicinity of Beagle for six months or more.  It is unclear where Mr Kent had been for this period.

It was then customary for ships’ surgeons to double up as naturalist observers and Beagle’s surgeon, MacCormick took so much umbrage at Darwin supplanting his role that he quit.  According to the online transcription of Charles Darwin’s diary: 

In his own memoirs published in 1884, McCormick wrote: Having found myself in a false position on board a small and very uncomfortable vessel, and very much disappointed in my expectations of carrying out my natural history pursuits, every obstacle having been placed in the way of my getting on shore and making collections, I got permission from the admiral in command of the station here to be superseded and allowed a passage home in H.M.S. Tyne.

16 - 30 Dec 1833

 At sea (having left Islay, Peru)

31 Dec 1833 - 1 Jan 1834

Off Juan Fernández

A Pacific archipelago including Robinson Crusoe Island (right).

2 - 3 Jan 1834

At sea

4 Jan 

Off coast Chile


5 - 13 Jan 


14 Jan 

At sea

15 -28 Jan

Coquimbo, Peru

Source: Edward Blanckley journal as Commander of HMS Pylades, National Museum of the Royal Navy, reference: NRA 44344

Jan 1834

Pylades is at Coquimbo, Peru (see map left)

In Jan. 1834, he was at Coquimbo


30 Jan - 13 Mar

At sea

The most southerly latitude recorded is on 23rd and 24th February, showing this was when Pylades navigated Cape Horn to reenter the Atlantic.

14 - 22 Mar

Rio de Janeiro

23 Mar 5 Apr

At sea

6 - 8 Apr

Harbour of Bahia 

North-east Brazil

Source: Edward Blanckley journal as Commander of HMS Pylades, National Museum of the Royal Navy, reference: NRA 44344

Early Apr 1834

Pylades is at Bahia, Brazil (see map above left)

In the beginning of April at Bahia, from whence he returned to England


Edward’s log entry states that, after anchoring in Bahia Harbour, Brazil on Pylades’s homebound course:

I was seized with a violent illness, which confined me to my bed for two months and consequently had no opportunity of making much general remarks.

Source: Edward Blanckley journal as Commander of HMS Pylades, National Museum of the Royal Navy, reference: NRA 44344

He had also carried four fowl unique to Chiloe onto Pylades which he’d been hoping to introduce to Britain.  These sadly died during his illness because he had been unable to see to their proper care:

I shall mention one curious bird. called in Chiloé canguena, which is only to be found here. I succeeded in procuring four specimens of it, with the hope of introducing them into England. They partake in appearance and formation of the duck, goose. guinea fowl, and, in plumage, of the partridge (red-legged) and pheasant. In size they are nearest the guinea fowl ; and although web-footed, they do not take the water, but are constantly dipping their feet in small pools to prevent the web of the feet from cracking. Their legs are black. and the breast is marked like the red-legged partridge. The belly is of a light brown; the back like a hen pheasant ; while the neck resembles the guinea fowl, the upper part being marked not unlike that bird. The head, with a black beak, is exactly that of a Bengal goose, but with a remarkably fine eye. When caught young, they are easily domesticated, and live with other poultry. Their flesh partakes much of the flavour of the pheasant, but not so dry. Those I procured were given me by the Governor, and were taken from his poultry-yard. I lost them one by one during a severe illness on my passage home, in consequence of not being able to attend personally, which I previously did, to see that they had water twice a day to paddle their feet in. This not having been attended to, their webs split, caused sores, and they died in a few hours. What I regretted also was, that, on my recovery, I discovered that, as they died, their skins had been committed to the deep. One I have brought home, but I fear it is not in so perfect a state as to give a just idea of the animal ; it is, however, in the hands of a skillful naturalist.

The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society ..., Volume 4 Google e-book

9 Apr - 9 May

At sea

Source: Edward Blanckley journal as Commander of HMS Pylades, National Museum of the Royal Navy, reference: NRA 44344

10 May 1834

Edward records Pylades being attacked by an illegal Spanish slaver which, mistaking the sloop for a helpless merchant vessel, was unpleasantly surprised: 

[W]e boarded a Brigantine under Spanish Colours who bore down upon us taking us for a West Indiaman or a Packet from our having our fore & mizen topsails close reefed & 2 reefs of the main sail & top gall[ant] masts on deck to ease the ship during a very heavy swell[,] not finding her provided with papers assined (sic) by the general Laws of Navigation and finding in the Master’s possession a Port Clearance of an English Brig that appeared to have sailed from Havannah (sic) with this Vessel / Clemente / & he also failing to prove to whom the vessel and cargo belonged[,] I detained him for the purpose of proving these facts in an Admiralty Court.’

Source: Edward Blanckley journal as commander of HMS Pylades, National Museum of the Royal Navy, reference: NRA 44344

11 May - 4 Jun

At sea

 5 Jun



Source: Edward Blanckley journal as commander of HMS Pylades, National Museum of the Royal Navy, reference: NRA 44344

7 Jun 1834

Pylades reported as arriving back in Portsmouth having served her term with $400 of freight won.  The story of her mission under Edward Blanckley is recounted by the newspaper (right - in 3 parts).

Blanckleys 1834 - 64

Please visit next page

22 May 1831

Edward Blanckley is Commander of Pylades (18) on a mission to police against illegal slaving and protect British interests.  The sloop sailed first to Lisbon and then Madeira with information about the shipment of troops for the island’s reinforcement.  Resident British merchants begged him to extend the ship’s stay as their community felt vulnerable to attack from rebels.  He agreed as the task of protecting British interests was within his mission’s remit, but warned he could not extend protection to non-British parties.  The grateful merchants openly acknowledged ‘his manly protection of their interests at an eventful period’.

Sources: 1) Influência Britânica, Paulo Miguel Rodrigues, Funchal, 2008 (translated by Ana Bullock) 

2) A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Blanckley, Edward

Henry Duncan Blanckley, now aged eleven, accompanied Edward as a volunteer and occupied himself producing geographical sketches during Pylades’s tour of the South American coast.  These sketches are now held at National Archives, Kew

17 Jul 1833

Pylades is at Rio de Janeiro

19 Jul - 17 Aug 

At sea

On the 30th July obs.d a quantity of sea weed which we passed through extending from W. S. W to E. N. E 

On the 8th Aug we boarded an American whaler 61 days from Port Jackson from whom we learnt he had experienced very heavy weather with continued easterly winds which had driven him to 62° south latitude before he could round the Cape he also gave us the agreeable information that he had seen the ice all fast to the southward. [From this period until the 17th we had a constant succession of gales with heavy snow and hail squalls on this day also a little after noon we made the high land of Staten Land  & about the Straits de Maire it was only visible for a short period & then as one mass of snow at noon in bore S 33.° 26 W 47 miles.  The wind very variable but generally southerly.  Here we again passed through large patches of sea weed stretching from W. S. W to E. N. E. At times these patches were a mile long covered by birds as we could observe feasting on crabs in of which the weed seem covered. 

On the 12 day while hove to in a heavy gale we carried away our tiller which broke short off in the rudder head.  The tiller itself being of African oak.  It occupied 3 hours in boring it out and we were four hours before we had the management of our rudder by making a new tiller.  We had a spare tiller that had been supplied the ship but the rudder not having a spare hole it was useless & had there been such a spare hole we could not have availed ourselves of it as our spare tiller was shaped with so much curve that there was not sufficient height for it under the poop deck.  Our rudder head being also round & fitted so nicely it was impossible to change it & there we were at the mercy of a heavy sea all we could do was by driving two staples into to rudder head & between lashed our otherwise useless spare tiller between them to secure its head to the break of the poop deck.  Every moment I expected to lose our rudder which was badly sprung in the head and only held together by two iron hoops which had been placed before quitting Rio, it however was a great satisfaction to know how well the ship behaved.  We were under fore & main staysails (reefed) with a tremendous sea yet we were going at a rate of two knots.  The ship (& which is her general good quality) came up to, & from, wind only two points and not a single sea struck us.  

On the 18th with light breezes we distinctly made Staten Land clothed in its wintry garment from its summit to the sea side. Cape St John at noon SW 3/4 W 10 leagues we found during the last 24 hours we had been set by current considerably to the S. E. and we also had the misfortune to find our Government [p 6] chronometer (No. 541 Murray & Stracham) was not to be confidently depended upon, & on which we had never placed much reliance.  It placed us on making Cape St. John 30 miles to the westward of our true position for soundings on the 16 & 17 “sea column of soundings”.  At noon we had moderate breezes with wind from southward.  We made all sail (no bottom at 90 fathoms) in great spirits, but by 1 o’clock it came on to blow with heavy squalls from S. W which obliged us to reduce sail to main topsail & fore staysail, a heavy sea instantly getting up. On the 19th we had a heavy gale accompanied with falls of snow which froze as it fell.  The watch were kept in exercise by beating the ropes to remove the ice from them.  The thermometer stood at 17° & notwithstanding every every remedy to prevent such an occurrence several were frost bitten.  A constant succession of blowing weather from south S. W to West carried us to Latitude 59° S & Longitude 73° W.  When we experienced a still heavier gale than any former. [we had yet witnessed, which will appear from its effects with a] A very heavy rolling sea, one of which struck the ship on the starboard side.  Wind being at S. W carrying and washing over board the whole railing & hammock fittings fore & aft, breaking the iron stanchions short off, besides capzising into the waist our sheet anchor from the gunwale weighing 25 Cwt together with the stream secured on it weighing upwards of 76 lbs drawing & bursting the bolts & lashings.  It at the same moment burst in 5 weather posts as well as three lee ones.  At this period we were hove to under storm staysails. I was an eye witness of what occurred The sea did not actually burst break before reaching the fore trysail & curled nearly up to the fore top & the force with which it fell burst out & washed away the lee posts which this was fortunate as the water on our decks was over the lee bulwarks w[h]ere much of it made its escape. The ship trembled to that degree that I thought she was settling down were she not (I venture to say one of the finest sea boats in the service) nothing could have saved her.  A few days after when on larboard tack another sea struck us a little abaft the beam on the larboard side, but breaking as it struck us, did no more damage than in again taking away all above the gunwale.  We had been told at this season (August) to expect easterly winds which are said to prevail & in which we had been confirmed by the American whaler we had spoken, but it they had had all disappeared before we had got sufficiently to the southward but it is worthy of remark that H. M. S Samarang sailed from Rio fourteen days later than ourselves made the passage to Valparaiso in 35 days experiencing wind & weather so favourable to enable her to carry.

18 Aug 

Off Staten Land

Spanish: Isla de los Estados (map: right) an island on the southernmost tip of South America in mid winter.  Edward later described his crew’s “good conduct during the severe cold and tempestuous weather”.

19 Aug 

At sea

20 Aug


Do. (at sea)

Pylades having navigated Cape Horn enters the Pacific.

21 Aug - 14 Sep 

Do. (at sea)

15 Sep 

Bay of St Carlos, Chiloé

Source: Edward Blanckley journal as Commander of HMS Pylades, National Museum of the Royal Navy, reference: NRA 44344

Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 28 May 1831 Source: findmypast.co.uk

Morning Chronicle 02 June 1832 Source: findmypast.co.uk

Brighton Gazette 29 August 1833 Source: findmypast.co.uk

Portrait of young (31-year-old) Charles Darwin four years after he returned from the voyage of the HMS. Beagle, painted by George Richmond (1840) www.scielo.org.ar

Edward gave his crew tobacco to barter so they could  eat well

Above: location of Bahia: Google maps

Pylades navigates Cape Horn for second time

Above: Hampshire Telegraph 09 June 1834: findmypast.co.uk

1871 England Census

Name: Horatio N C Blanckley

Age: 39

Estimated Birth Year: abt 1832

Relation: Captain E M L S

Gender: Male

Where born: Versailles, France

Civil parish: Vessels

Town: Naples

County/Island: Royal Navy

Country: England

Registration district: Royal Navy

Sub-registration district: Royal Navy

ED, institution, or vessel: Caledonia

Source: ancestry.co.uk

Naval & Military Gazette and Weekly Chronicle of the United Service 25 May 1833. Source: findmypast.co.uk

Morning Post 09 September 1833. Source: findmypast.co.uk

Above: Hampshire Chronicle 25 November 1833 Source: findmypast.co.uk

Above: detail of South America map from Chambers 1860 encyclopaedia.  Author’s collection.

Tejedora en Chonchi / Chiloé / Chile https://hiveminer.com

Hose moving on Chiloe: According to its firm-held tradition, no money changes hands and no-one is paid for their work. It is done on the basis that the favour will one day be returned. Pictured is an old undated photo of a traditional minga www.dailymail.co.uk

Shingles house, Chiloe https://pxhere.com

Above: The Nautical Magazine a Journal of Papers on Subjects Connected with Maritime Affairs in General 1834 Google e-book

Amérique, Cobija. Bolivia. Original steel engraving, engraved by J. Outhwaite after J. Collignon. 1844. www.antique-prints.de

Above: old photo of “Valpo” dock blogger.com

Above: Chiloe Island www.thousandwonders.net

Pylades captures an illegal Spanish slaver

Edward is very sick and birds from Chiloé die

Pylades’ surgeon joins Beagle carrying Charles Darwin

Montevideo, Uruguay




Raleigh House, Plymouth